Pro tip: Everyone can do it!
I’d love to talk about how to easily connect with your guides and angels. If you’re thinking ‘oh I don’t have those’, well, we all have them! And whether you know it or not, they are around you at all times. Have you ever seen a number or numbers multiple times throughout the day or week? Have you ever been in a situation where you just knew something was off and found out later you were glad you got out of it? These are just a few examples of your team working with you!
First of all, why would you want to connect with your spirit team? Here I list just a few reasons. However, the possibilities and benefits are truly endless.
- Better connection with self
- Learning to better trust yourself
- Finding clarity in moments you may be unsure
- Opening up to possibilities
- Gaining more knowledge on who you really are
- Finding peace and comfort knowing you truly are supported
SO, how do I do this? Some of my favorite ways include journaling and meditation. If you are new to both of these, I would love to hear from you and help get you started!
Journaling: First, get yourself comfortable and in a quiet space. Taking a few deep breaths and clearing any expectations. Think of a few questions or something you may need help or clarity on. Hit the paper and start writing these out. Start with, Dear Guides/Angels/Higher Self. Whichever you are most comfortable with or feel drawn to. Write out whatever it is you’d like and sign the bottom with Love, your name. Close your eyes and take a few moments breathing deeply. You can repeat the question or problem in your head a few times. Once you feel ready and connected, you can begin writing a response from your guides.
Sometimes this may feel made up or not accurate. That is ok. With practice and repetition, you will gain a feeling of connection and begin to recognize when you are feeling that source led message. I recommend doing this daily in the morning or before bed. During these times you are more open and connected with the spirit world. However, this can be done at any time you’d like! Explore this and discover what works best for you personally!
Meditation: Another favorite! But this one may take some patience and practice if you’ve never meditated before. But just remember, it is called a meditation practice, not a meditation perfect! Even I struggled in the beginning. I was always wondering if I was doing it right or even just slowing my mind enough to be in the moment. And some days I still do struggle. But let’s learn to be compassionate with ourselves and find the joy in all of the moments.
So, how is this done? First, I like to sit somewhere where I know I will be undisturbed. This can be inside or outside. Anywhere, really. Somewhere you will be comfortable and can sit in an upright position or lie down flat if that is more comfortable for you. This is going to be similar to the journal form of connecting. Beginning with the breath and focusing there for about 5-10 cycles. I like to run through a quick scan a feel myself firmly rooted to the ground. Move up to my crown and feel myself connected to the heavens above. Once you are ready, you can state in your mind who you are speaking with, whether it’s your angels, guides or higher self. Then state a question or problem you are dealing with and would like more clarity on. Sometimes repeating this a few times helps. After this, sit in silence for a few moments.
Sometimes answers will come immediately. Sometimes no answers will come. Neither of these is right or wrong. Building a connection each and every day will help you understand more how your team connects with you. Sometimes you will get messages outside of your practices. These can come in the form of numbers, songs, animals, dreams and various other things. Learning to be open to the messages and letting your team know that you are open will strengthen the connection.
Key Takeaways
- Remember to go into these practices without expectations of what will happen
- Remember to practice daily to strengthen connection to team
- Keep note of things you may see outside of these practices (your team will know you’re paying attention)
- Don’t take things too seriously or beat yourself up
- Try different guided meditations or journal prompts if those resonate with you
If you have any questions or would like any more information on these methods of connecting with your team, please feel free to reach out at any time. If you enjoyed these practices, I would love to hear about your experienced. You can reach me directly at [email protected] or connect with me over on my email list where you can sign up to get a free body check-in sheet!
I hope your day is as amazing as YOU!